Saturday, August 22, 2009

Drivers fear motorways

IT’S not hard to recall the exact moment when my fear of motorways moved up a notch - I was driving over the Barton Bridge, sandwiched between a lorry and a large van.
Neither seemed prepared to yield any space, however much I accelerated, and when I finally got past the lorry and returned to the nearside lane my heart was pounding and my palms were damp.
With my confidence severely dented, I’ve done everything I can since then to avoid driving on motorways.
All of which might make me sound rather freaky if it weren’t for a report from AA Driving School which reveals that this fear strikes one in seven motorists. So five million other poor souls share the same horror.
Some drivers fear motorways so much they spend decades avoiding them. Again, guilty as charged.
I can tell you anything about Oldham or Rochdale or Rossendale by the time I’ve reached my destination because my journey is likely to have been through the pleasant A and B roads surrounding them.

Rural drives
The rural drives are sometimes a bonus but, of course, this motorway-free driving demands much longer journeys.
Actually driving on a motorway when I’ve really no choice is a small slice of purgatory. The radio is always on for distraction, and I talk myself through any particularly tricky manoeuvres - like overtaking large vehicles when the road surfaces are wet or it’s snowing.
I envy the rest of the drivers as they bob and weave confidently through the lanes. I only venture into the third lane when absolutely forced to, and then quickly get back into my comfort zone of the nearside or middle lane.
A lack of driving skills is blamed for these fears in this latest report and the motoring school is launching a tailored motorway driving course.
ust to make poor drivers like me feel better, though, they do cite cases like the taxi driver who refused all jobs involving motorway driving after he witnessed a motorway accident 20 years ago. He gained confidence after having specialist motorway driving training.
Then there’s the second generation motorway avoider who had never been on a motorway, even as a passenger, because her mother had shunned them.
On her first motorway outing she had just managed to get into lane two when a police car with lights and sirens approached from behind. She immediately crossed back into lane one, then on to the hard shoulder to stop - apparently thinking the police were after her for driving too fast.

Young drivers
The figures show it is young drivers and women who are by far the least confident on motorways.
Only 44 per cent of those aged 18 to 24 and 44 per cent of women questioned said they were confident about driving on motorways. And that figure soared to 65 per cent for drivers aged 55 to 64.
Lee Davies, chairman of the Manchester group of RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders, agrees that this kind of motorway fear is largely down to a lack of driving skills.
”Most people who contact the group want to become advanced drivers, but occasionally there are people who are just not confident drivers, especially on motorways,” he says.
He believes factoring motorway driving into the driving test would be the best way to create more competent all-round drivers, although learner drivers are not allowed on motorways.
Lee commented: “Statistically, motorways are the safest roads yet people perceive them as dangerous because when things do go wrong they are more serious.
”If people were to take more training in motorway skills this would definitely help. In our group, for example, there is a fee to join then training is free because we are all volunteers.”
Bury-based hypnotherapist Helen James believes that much of the problem with motorways can be in the mind.
"The conscious mind knows there is no logical reason to fear motorway driving, but the subconscious mind has attached a fear and this subconscious fear over-rides it," she says.
Hypnotherapy `takes away the attachment and any excessive emotions that may have come with it'.
Clients she has successfully treated include a formerly confident driver who had a near miss on a motorbike 15 years ago which severely dented his motorway driving confidence.
When forced to use one he became very anxious, rigid and fearful, especially when lorries came up behind him. After three hypnotherapy sessions he happily returned to being a confident and safe motorway driver.

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