Saturday, August 22, 2009

Natural Stress Relief

Natural stress management techniques provide a desired relief to people who are in stress. These natural stress reliefs are said to be devoid of dreadful side effects. Stress can affect anyone at anytime in some point of life. This article contains more information on:
  • Which are the three components of yoga that are used for stress relief?
  • Find out how lifestyle changes and stress relief is related
  • Will drinking plenty of water helps in overcoming stress?
Stress can affect anyone and everyone at some point of time in their life. Stress is believed to trigger 70% of visits to doctors, and 85% of serious illnesses. Natural stress management techniques provide a desired relief in these patients. These natural stress reliefs are said to be devoid of dreadful side effects. Stress occurs when the normal "Fight or Flight" phenomenon of our endocrine system occurs more frequently. This phenomenon causes a few reversible changes in our body like increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased metabolism and energy release, muscle tension etc.

Stress can affect your health, your work performance, your social life and your relationship with your family members. There is no escape from stress. One must learn how to handle it. There is no single remedy for stress relief. Though there is a long list of drugs to handle stress the list of their side effects is equally long. So everyone is on the look out for natural stress relief techniques which are very effective and at the same time don't have many side effects.

Natural Techniques

Natural stress reduction techniques can be categorized under the following headings.
  • Exercise
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Tai Chi
  • Reiki
  • Herbs
  • Dietary adjustments
  • Life style changes
Exercise and diet are simplest of the remedies for stress. Exercise helps in relieving the stress in the following ways.
  • The adrenaline store gets exhausted and results in relaxation.
  • Exercise produces Beta endorphin in our brain which relieves stress by providing a sense of well being.
  • Exercise increases blood flow to brain which supplies more oxygen and eliminates toxic materials including carbon dioxide and lactate.
  • Exercise relaxes tensed muscles.
  • Exercise distracts us from the causes of stress.
Deep breathing itself is a good exercise. It helps the body in getting more oxygen and eliminates the unwanted carbon dioxide.
Stressed individuals have great amount of tension in their bodies. Yoga an ancient Indian practice helps in releasing this tension and aiding in deep breathing which provides more oxygen and eliminates the toxic carbon dioxide. Three components of Yoga are used for stress relief. They are the asanas, pranayamas and meditation. Meditation can be done separately also for stress relief.

Yogic postures (Asana) : The corpses pose (Savasana), the crocodile pose (Makarasana) and the child's pose (Bal asana) are relaxation postures which help in dealing with stress.

Yogic Breathing (Pranayama): One form of Pranayama is Nadi shodhanam in which alternate nostril breathing is done. Pranayama should always be done in a suitable posture or asana in which the lung capacity is the highest and the muscle tension is lowest. It should always be done with the help of a teacher. It should be always done with empty stomach and one should never do it till exhaustion.
Two methods need mention a) Meditation that needs focusing and b) Meditation that does not need focusing.

Meditation that needs focusing : The affected person focuses on any object or image or sound or any thoughts. It takes the mind away from the source of stress and provides stress relief.

Meditation that does not need focusing : Transcendental meditation is one form of meditation that does not need focusing. It is done by sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. During the process the fluctuating mind gradually becomes still and attains a state of "Restful alertness". It is done for about 20 minutes everyday in the morning and evening.
Reiki is a Japanese art of healing.Rei means "free passage" and ki means "universal energy" It involves transfer of energy from a practitioner to the patient to increase the body's natural ability to heal itself through the balance of energy. Reiki incorporates of most of the other alternate therapies like spiritual therapy, meditation, aroma therapy etc. The hands are the tools of healing in Reiki.The position in which the hands are placed important. Reiki can be done through clothing. But most prefer no barrier to the therapy. Reiki practitioners impart energy through a particular pattern. This induces deep relaxation, detoxifies the body and provides new vitality.
Tai chi
Tai chi or Tai chi chuan is a Chinese martial art meant for health and longevity and how to deal with stress. It is gaining popularity because of its active role in reducing stress. Tai chi means 'Supreme ultimate boxing 'or 'Boundless fist'. The basic principle involves leverage of the joints through co-ordination of relaxation rather than increased muscle tension. This improves the internal circulation and it is believed that over a period of time it reverses the physical effects of stress.
Herbal treatment always has a significant chunk of followers. In the treatment of stress Kava Kava is the latest in the list while Valerian is the oldest. The list includes:
  1. Kava Kava: It is a herb of Indonesian and Polynesian islands which is used to relieve stress, anxiety, sleeplessness.
  2. Valerian: It is similar to diazepam, the sleeping pill .It relaxes nervous system and helps in good sleep.
  3. Passion flower: The flavinoids in it acts as a sedative and anti oxidants and relieves stress and anxiety.
  4. St John's Wort: It inhibits the enzyme mono amino oxidase and helps in relieving stress.
  5. Scullcap: It acts on the nervous system and stabilizes the mood.
  6. Hops: Its tranquilizing properties are useful in the treatment of sleeplessness and irritability.
  7. Catnip: It helps in calming the nervous system and treating the digestion problems.
  8. Chamomile: Used as immunostimulant, tranquilizer and helps in digestion.
  9. Rhodiola: It regulates the heart beat. It controls the irregular heart beat.
  10. Bach Rescue remedy: The formula was found by Dr.Edward Bach in 1920's.It contains a combination of 5 flower essences for relieving stress and reducing fear and tension.
Hypnosis as a relief method for stress has gained considerable credibility in recent years. Hypnosis for anxiety and stress is clinically proven and is an effective long term solution for stress related conditions.

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